Friday, June 6, 2014

FF - Yay for Summer BBQ!

Welcome to Friday Fragments, a place to come and exhale after a long (or short) week full of excitement, stress, work, play and other activities!  Thanks to Mrs4444 (pronounced "Mrs. Fours") of Half Past Kissin' Time for sponsoring this delightful respite for writers and readers alike. Please click on her logo at the end of this post to see what her other loyal fans have been up to lately!

This past Monday was Mr. NoExcuses' birthday.  On Sunday, this conversation transpired:

Me:  Tomorrow is your birthday.  Where would you like to go to dinner? We can go anywhere you want!

Him:  How about if we BBQ?  This way I can have exactly what I want and stay in my jammies, too!

Me:  Alrighty, then...BBQ it is.

Here's a photo of the finished product.  I cooked the rice...the rice that comes in a package and all you do is boil water.  That was my birthday gift.  Oh, and I bought him a card, too!  I may not be so lucky next time! Mr. cooked the rest and I have to admit, there is no restaurant that could have provided a more perfect meal...while wearing jammies!

                                Thanks for stopping by today.  Hope your weekend is perfect!

Half-Past Kissin' Time