Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Everything Jenny

Jenny, our friend and partner in crime, cannot be summed up by a mere 26 letters.  However, each week, she throws out the challenge of the Alphabet…one letter at a time…and sits back while we scrunch our noses, scratch our heads and sometimes pen our deepest thoughts, merely for her amusement.  That’s okay.  We love Jenny to pieces and sincerely hope that our finished products bring a smile to her lovely face.  Here are a few “E” words that paint the picture of the Jenny that I so love!

Jenny has such an easygoing nature about her.  Every day is filled with much to be accomplished, but she effortlessly dances through each of them with the grace of Fred and Ginger.   

There are days that can be a little edgy for Jenny, but one would never know it.  She delivers her message with eloquence week after week, and emboldens the craft of writing to the accomplished, as well as, the novice of writers.  

We are empowered by her lessons, and enchanted by her words of support and kindness.  Our lives are enhanced by her lovely phrases as we escape with her to exquisite places of adventure.  I would love to be part of Jenny’s entourage!

Please come out and play with this extraordinary woman who loves life ever-so-fiercely; the educator who fills us with the encouragement to push ourselves to our limits…and then some…until we have exhibited our little piece of literary elegance.  

Evermore, dearest Jenny.

Please stop by Jenny’s house for a visit with her and her ensemble of “E” friends!  Just click here to be entranced by her wonderful world full of letters!


21 Wits said...

Bravo on your captures!

SarahBeth said...

What a lovely tribute to Jenny! She deserves it :)

carol l mckenna said...

Sweet photos and lovely tribute to Jenny!

Happy Weekend coming to you,
artmusedog and carol

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I love this and agree with every word!!

Monica said...

Well said!!!

Ingrid said...

Your post gave me lots of words for the next rounds !

Betty said...

Yes, yes, yes! What a great post. That's our Jenny!

Lmkazmierczak said...

Ooh what a nice tribute...I concur♪

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Wonderfully stated!

Sarah said...

How clever! This is a great tribute to our dear Jenny!

Jenny said...

Oh my gosh.

Oh my gosh.

No crying, Jenny! No crying! But I want to.

I am almost two weeks post surgery and just not turning the corner into 'feeling betterness' quite yet.

I have an incision on my throat that is quite long and any time I start to tear up or cry it makes me throat swell...which is kinda/sorta scary!

I thought I'd catch up on a few E's today and I'm so honored and moved by what you wrote!

Thank you, sweet friend!

Your exquisite words have truly blessed me.

Thank you for linking and A++++