Saturday, December 31, 2011

Here We Go Again....

Welcome to the last Saturday Centus of 2011! Miss Jenny from Jenny Matlock, Off On My Tangent, has given us an assignment to write about New Year resolutions and our experiences with them. We can use 102 words (with two of those words being Resolution! Schmezolution!) in any writing form we choose.

I cannot remember the last resolution that I made, much less, kept! Therefore, let me share with you the best of them that I can recall.

1. I resolve to …..

2. I resolve to ….

3. I resolve to …

Okay, that went well. Let's see what happens when I pour a tiny glass "Bob Mondavi" for inspiration!

1. I reshhholve to spend an hour each daee writing sonthin.

2. I ressslolveh to stay ghie4drated wit Bob while wrrrritiiig each dayeeeee.

3. I reeeelsllovoe to ........................................................ zzzzzzzzzzz.

Happee now..? I have nothing more for Resoluuuution! Schmezooooolitun!


I really only have one resolution that I make each day when I awake. It's something I learned as a Girl Scout many millenia ago: "I will try to do my best."

Please stop by Jenny's hood and see many other inspirational stories! Just click on the logo below and you'll be at the party!

Thanks for stopping by!

Jenny Matlock

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Saturday Centus - Stop the Madness!

It's Saturday Centus Time! For those of us older than you remember the Howdy Doody Show? Well....? Jenny, over at Off on My Tangent, gives us an idea, and then we write, write, write.... The prompt this week is "It doesn't have to be like this." We must not write more than 107 words (which includes the prompt) and Jenny is graciously allowing a picture this time. It took some deep thinking for me to come up with something that is so blatantly visible, but heck, it's only a story!

Every day is the same. She gets up, eats, and is on her way. When she arrives at work, she buys a muffin and Latte from the shop downstairs. At 8:00am, she wonders what to have for a snack.

Nine o’clock arrives and it’s time for a banana and juice. By 10:30am, she begins to think about lunch.

“What shall I eat today?” she asks herself. “If I walk to the deli, I can have chips with my sandwich, and save the cookie for later.” Her obsession with food was slowly killing her.

It doesn’t have to be like this” the voice said. “Stop the madness, now!”

For some, it is a daily struggle, and some feel that they live one hour at a time. Thanks for stopping by. Please chomp your way over to Jenny's crib and read some fine literary spectacles by a few of my favorite blogger buds. Just click on the typewrite below.

Have a great week!

Jenny Matlock

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Saturday Centus - Sixteen...Dang!

Welcome to Saturday Centus, sponsored by Jenny Matlock, of Off on My Tangent. Our fearless headmistress has me feeling just a little uneasy at this point. Our assignment this week is to write about ourselves when we were 16 years old. What is going on? Is she doing that mid-life thing where 40 year old men climb mountains and then jump off of them? Or when women pull out that high school cheerleader uniform and actually think they are going to fit in it? Lord, help us all! This could be me today! The kicker, my friends, as that we may only use 16 words. Well, you all know what a chatty Kathy I am, so I had to actually put on that cheerleader uniform so that I could be motivated. Of course it didn't work! I've been crying my eyes out for the last two hours! Thankfully, we get to use a picture. So, after cruising through the family pics, I came up with the nerdy 16-year old picture. Here is my offering. Maybe some of you can relate to it...

When I was 16, I was in love… with boys… who played sports… any dang sport.

Thanks for stopping by this beautiful day. Click on Jenny's logo below and see what some of my blog buds have written!

Jenny Matlock