Friday, May 24, 2013

Is It Friday, Already?

Wow!  Did this week zip by, or what?  And, I have just about nothing, nada, zilch, or zero to show for it, except that I'm still here, the dog is still here, and the Internet is still alive and kicking!  I'm grateful for these three things as my world would not be complete without each of them.  I'm also grateful for Mrs4444 and her Friday Fragments segment which offers us a place to come with our random thoughts, spilling our guts (if we choose to do so) and polishing our writing and/or photography skills.  Since I don't really have any photography skills, I will work on writing, writing and more writing.

I started an office job on Monday at 8:00am.  I was excited to get back into the work force doing what I thought I did best.  By 3:30pm, I was no longer a part of the work force and spent the rest of the day reevaluating my reason for existence.  When I lost interest in banging my head against the steering wheel of my car, I drove home and had a heart-to-heart with the dog.  She was wonderful!  She joined me on the couch and laid her head in my lap.  We both felt good.  We went out for some fresh air and invited the Big Guy (God, to me) to join in the conversation.  It hit me like a brick (funny how that works some times) that I don't have to make a living at something just because it's what I know and have always done. I began to think about other ways to earn a living doing what I know, what I like to do, and how I can be helpful to others at the same time.  I'm still thinking....

Please visit Mrs4444 by clicking on the logo below and see what a bunch of us have been up to this week.  Please also check out my post on Angel's Stairs which started out as a tribute to recent disaster victims, but also serves as a tribute to anyone who has given their life while in service to our great country.

Have a wonderful and safe weekend!  Thanks for stopping by today!

Half-Past Kissin' Time


Jeanie said...

Oh my, Liz, it sounds like your Monday was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day for sure.
Hang on to Tootsie, keep thinking and praying and just the right answer WILL come your way.

Stacy Uncorked said...

This week sure did fly by extra fast, didn't it?

So sorry your Monday turned out to be not as stellar as you anticipated. I love that you opted to not continue banging your head against the steering wheel and had a enlightening convo with the dog and Big Guy. ;) When one door closes, another opens, right? :) ((HUGZ!!))

Country Stars Shine Bright: Friday Fragments

Claudya Martinez said...

I'm dying to know what happened at work. You will find something that you are great at and love to do. I know it.