Monday, April 13, 2009

Tribute to a Brother

I recently asked Rick over at Organized Doodles to draw a picture of one of my two incredible brothers. Please go visit Rick and see his awesome talents both artistically and literary-ally!

My brothers live in California and in recent years, we have really become proficient at staying in touch with each other! I try so hard to keep up with birthday cards, notes and such, but sometimes I drop the ball and find myself doubling up (birthday plus Father's Day...birthday plus Memorial Day, etc.).

A little over a year ago, my brother Pedro was getting ready to donate a kidney to a co-worker. He was going through the last battery of hospital testing to make sure that all was well within. Wouldn't you know it, they found a tumor and he was unable to help out his friend with a kidney. He was really bummed about that. Pedro underwent radical chemo and radiation to shrink the tumor so it could be removed surgically. The operation was successful. He then continued on with chemo to make sure there was nothing left that was evil. Throughout all of this time, Pedro kept everyone in the family in stitches with his hospital jokes and his courageous fight with an attitude that would rival a hockey team that just made the Stanley Cup playoffs!

At the one year checkup, he was blessed with a clean slate as far as the tumor area was concerned, but there were a few spots on different organs that were suspicious. New game chemo to hack away at the new evil intruders. The attitude is still high as the Arch, and he takes one day at a time. It's a win-win situation as far as Pedro is concerned.

I have learned so much about what I take for granted. Pedro has taught me how to smile and face each day as if it were my first trip to the beach! Each morning I wake up and thank the big guy upstairs for my ability to breathe, to stumble out of bed, and to drag my sorry butt to my job. I am so, so very lucky!

Pedro, Ricardo and I (along with our children) are the heads of our family now. There are no grandparents or parents. Why is it that brothers and sisters can't seem to appreciate and enjoy each other until they are of the arthritic age? I hope to pass on to my children the importance and necessity of loving, fighting, caring, and giving to each other all along the way, not just "some day" when one of them is in trouble.

Go call a sibling, and tell them you love them, in spite of their jerkiness!


Chris H said...

I only have one sibling left... I can't stand her! That may be sad, but it is the truth.

Gallbladder removal should not stop you enjoying a good sausage! I had my gallbladder out a few years ago too... no problem eating sausages!

Melody said...

Wow! What a blessing to find the tumors and be able to take care of them. Good luck to him.

Rick said...

Thanks Liz for the kind words and for the link. I wish I could sit with you at your computer and show you how to post a photo or two. If you've figured out the link, you can get the photos too. It ain't hard.

Andi said...

I love my older sister to death but my little brother and I don't talk much at all. I try but he just won't call me it me? Couldn't be???

Love having you back....*hugs*