Sunday, April 19, 2009

"Back on The Road Again"

Our school won the Health and Wellness Challenge with a total loss of 202 pounds. It averaged out to 10 pounds per person (someone stole four of my 10 pounds). I didn't come in last with points, but I did give the last person a run for their money!

The Health Gestapo thanked everyone involved, and invited us all to come back next year for another challenge. He did suggest that we continue with our routine of exercise and healthy eating habits. When I finish detoxing from Easter candy, an office birthday party, and secretary's day, I plan to do just that! I have two more days to indulge myself, or as some see it, self-indulge! Speaking of self-indulging, please read about an encounter I had with my girlfriends here for a little chuckle.

I must admit, I do feel very good on the days that I get my two miles walked. Eating sensibly also seems to perk up my attitude somewhat. Then I open the mail and see one of many medical services denied by the insurance company because I have yet to meet the "personal deductible." I get so mad that I just want to rip my teeth into a really large Hershey bar...or 25 Hershey Kisses...or fill my mouth with an entire can of whipped topping. You silly minds. For a lot of people, this is reality.

Growing up in the 50's and 60's I was taught to hold my feelings inside. "Never let them see you cry," I was told. Showing anger outwardly, was unacceptable. Sadness should never be displayed. I became an expert at hiding negative feelings...I just stuffed them down with food. My little act was so good that I would even hide the happy feelings. My grandmother would purposely tease or criticize me to get some sort of reaction, but I was too good at masking it. Maybe that's why I always had a stomach ache when I was around her.

The successes that I have had throughout my journey did not occur until I began to finally grow up. I was almost 40. I lived each day by being honest to myself and followed these simple rules: (1)move the butt every day for 20 minutes; (2) follow the food pyramid as close as possible; (3) if all of the ingredients in a food cannot be pronounced, don't put it in the mouth; (4) get away from self-pity by performing random acts of kindness. It also helps for me to have someone to whom I can be accountable, preferably someone with Gestapo background.

There are days when none of the above apply, and all rules fly out the window. I try to keep those days to a minimum. No matter what happens on any given day, I never lose hope. I say a little prayer, grab my guitar, and get "Back on the Road Again!"

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