Monday, September 29, 2008

I've been away for a while.....

Not that anyone would notice...until now, I haven't had too many visitors. My computer crashed a week ago, and I just got it back today!

I am joining a group at work that meets once a month. They talk about how we deal with life's ups and downs, and how to change the bad habits we engage to handle stress. I use food to deal with everything, but especially with stress. My first meeting with this group will be in two weeks. I'm really excited about it. In the meantime, I am inspired when I talk to or read about people who have overcome their bad habits and learned to live a healthier, saner life.

I am in awe of the courage and tenacity that so many people exhibit when they really want something to happen in their lives. I'd love to hear about successes that you have had, and how you made the journey.

Thanks, and have a great day!

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