Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Whip

I woke up this morning 
to the sound of the Whip
thought I was still dreaming
but then...

Again and again, 
it snapped and it cracked 
right outside my window 
and then...

I jumped out of bed,
and threw open the blinds 
was it day, no it was night 
but how then...

Could it be so bright 
right outside my window 
it looked like fire, everywhere
and by then...

It was too late, 
Whip took not just the tree
but the house in the tree 
even then...

It was all changed
but not gone
we'll start over again 
Curse you Whip!

Please whip over to Saturday Centus at Jenny Matlock, Off On My Tangent, to be awed by some very enlightened friends! Just click on the logo below!

Jenny Matlock


21 Wits said...

Oh yes, sounds much like our last few mornings! Gee whiz, enough already storms, go away! I enjoyed your poem!

Dreaming said...

Nicely done. I especially liked your suggestion that we 'whip over to Saturday Centus'! Clever you!

Susan Anderson said...

I like your image of a whip cracking here.

Well done.


Kris said...

Great imagery ! Now, every time I hear or see lightning, I will think of a whip cracking and not be so afraid ( I hope ) ;) !!!

Viki said...

I hate when storms are like that. Yikes, scares a person, ha!

Jenny said...

Oh man! That is sure not a fun game of crack the whip!

This was really clever!

Jenny said...


Something weird is happening with my comments.

They are lighting up in red and then disappearing.

I wrote earlier that this was quite a violent game of crack the whip!

I love your imagery and creative imagination here.

And I hope this didn't really happen to you!

Unknown said...

Wow! Clever you! Well done.

Havea lovely weekend.
