Welcome to Saturday Sampling, hosted by her awesomeness, Mrs4444! SS is a collection of best posts from around Blogdom this week. You are welcome and encouraged to link up anyone's post that moved you, or showcase your blog and your writing; if someone read only one of your posts this week, which one would you want them to read? If you didn't write anything special this week, link to an older post, or just sit back and read the ones here. To learn more about Saturday Sampling head on over to Half-Past Kissin' Time and all the questions of the universe will be answered!
A post that moved me today is Fragmented Fridays by Unknown Mami. She talks about Family and how some of the best ones are not made up of blood relatives. She is a wonderful writer, whom I think you will fall in love with at the word, "Family." And, if you would, please leave her some love!
A recent post of mine was about the Tooth Fairy and Rock. I had so much fun recalling the story (it's a true story). You can read it here. Hope you enjoy it!
Thank you Mrs4444 for hosting this very special meme where we can bring to the attention of your many readers, the posts we loved best! Please click here to link up with others who have some wonderful stories to tell!
Have a great Saturday!!
I remember your tooth fairy story and I had read Unknown Mami's post. These are both very good posts to share.
You are a sweetheart and are very welcome! Thanks!
Sadly I have no wonderful stories to tell!
It's day to day humdrum-ness on my blog!
I read Unknown Mami's post-- great post. It leaft me in tears.
Off to catch up on yours.
You are so nice to me! Thank you!!!
I like the way you are adding your own spin to Saturday Samplings and picking out your own favorite post and also one from a fellow blogger. Great idea!
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